Well we had a plan to leave nice and early but as luck would have it we needed to wait a little longer, just as we were about to leave
TJ's Dad's dog got out of the Rig and took off. Being the sweet little dog that she is she would let you get close and then run, I think it took about half an hour to catch her but it was quite amusing! So after that minor set back we were off to Toronto, I could not believe how big and crazy it was, so many cars! The overpasses were ridiculous and I was so grateful that
TJ's dad was driving and not me. Our first stop was
CN tower, I was pretty nervous about it, as I really don't like heights but wanted to go at least once. So
TJ, Thomas, Maggie, Harrison and I headed up; it actually wasn't too scary , it was really neat to be able to see so much of Toronto and Lake Ontario. Then we headed down to the floor below us which was the glass floor, I was really worried about this as I thought the entire floor was made of glass! Much to my relief there was only a section that was glass. Everyone had a turn standing on it, I think Thomas was the most timid about stepping out onto it, he did a slow creep. Harrison on the other hand immediately climbed out and laid down. Maggie wasn't concerned at all either.
So with that experience all done we decided to head down towards the Hockey Hall of Fame. Of course it ended up being right at lunch so we stopped out side Union Station for a hot dog from a vendor. So that is something else I can check off my list of things to do! Since we were right there we headed into the Station. The architecture was amazing, it is crazy the things that they built so long ago. After that quick stop we continued on . The next stop was mostly for
TJ of course, my major hockey fan. It was neat though to see all of the tributes that they had in there and then
TJ's favorite thing.....the STANLEY CUP! We got a pic in front of it and then a couple with the kids and
TJ. The kids even let us sit through a short movie on the origins of the game and how the Stanley Cup came to be. It is interesting to see how much Hockey has changed since the beginning!
After that we loaded back up and drove down to see were
TJ's great grandpa had a clock shop and where
TJ's dad lived for a while above it. We took the scenic route and stopped and took a couple pictures of Castle
Loma, which is in Toronto...so crazy! After that we headed back for night two in a tent!